West Lancs 65 2016 Installation
It was stand-in night at West Lancashire Lodge of Mark Masters No 65, Installation meeting on 2nd November at Liverpool Masonic Hall.
' The Rep' Alan Foster Prov.GSW, with WM Roy Cowley and Installing Master Roy Poole
 First, the Worshipful Master Dr Geoffrey Exton was unable to attend the meeting and so the IPM WBro Eric Poole had to stand- in to perform the ceremony.   Then at the very last moment, the Representative of the R.W Provincial Grand Master was unable to attend.   And so after a quick decision by the senior visitors WBro Alan Foster Prov GSW was volunteered; (sorry chosen), to act as the PGM’s Representative.  
A Fine turn out
This then meant that WBro Derek Gaskell Prov GJD had to take the chair of Senior Warden for the Installation; as WBro Foster was now the representative.  (You get the picture so far.)  The assembled members were then treated to a first rate ceremony of installation by WBro Poole.  Bro Roy Cowley was presented to the Worshipful Master by the DC WBro John Roberts and did the first part of his obligation to become Worshipful Master of the Lodge.  The inner workings of the ceremony were done in exemplary fashion by the Installing Master.   The Worshipful Master, Bro Cowley invested his officers at the end of which; W. Bro Richard Wilson PGStB, did the address to the Worshipful Master, (WBro Wilson had also done the Keystone presentation to the Master.)
Peter Connolly with George Christie and Richard Wilson
The address to the overseers was given by WBro Roy Ashley, who had also acted as the installing Junior Warden.  It is not often that the PGM’s Representative gets to do two addresses, but on this special occasion this honour fell to WBro Alan Foster Prov GSW; doing both the address to the Wardens and the Brethren.  Both addresses were faultless and like the ceremony that had gone before them a treat for all those who were in attendance.  After the installation ceremony, WBro Foster conveyed the PGM’s congratulations to the Worshipful Master and special thanks on behalf of the PGM to the Installing Master for a job well done.  It was the Worshipful Master turn to present the PGM’s Representative with a cheque for the Masonic Charities, which was gratefully received.
There was the usual fun and humour at the festive board and again WBro Foster excelled himself with his reply to the toast having had such short notice to prepare. The toast to the new master was given by WBro Roy Ashley a long-time friend to W. Bro Cowley.  In a short and humours reply by the Worshipful Master he also laid out his plans for the future of the Lodge.
A good night was had by all and we wish W. Bro Roy Cowley and his team a happy and successful year.
Words and Pictures by Derek Gaskell.